Thursday, March 25, 2010

The weather has finally turned around and it's HOT! So we took off for a ride to Marco Island. We tried to visit Sanibal Island last month and it was bumper to bumper traffic so we came back. I was hoping this would be nicer and it was. This island was not as developed, there were even empty lots available. We wanted to try a restaurant on the water (I'm always a sucker for waterfront dining) for lunch. It was only 11:30 when we arrived but there was already a wait.
As usual I had a grouper sandwich with french fries and salad bar. We've decided haddock is better but grouper is quite good too and I can't seem to get enough fish.
On the way down we came across several of these signs. "Panther Traffic". We didn't see any but have heard on the news that 3 have been hit by cars in the past month. Interesting wildlife here.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Doug has been starting tomato plants since January in Sarasota but they kept wilting and dying. He finally has some good plants going and now that it's hotter we should have a good start on them when we get home.

Everyone keeps asking about cruise pictures, most of them are just scenery that only means something to me but here's one of me snorkeling! This was the number one thing I wanted to do and thanks to Royal Caribbean, Doug and my brother in law Steve, I finally made it. Also thanks to Mount Ascutney Therapy Pool who lent me the waist belt so I could float. Unfortunately I didn't see any fish because the bottom was very rough and Doug was nervous about walking out deeper with me. The only time I thought I saw something move, I realized it was his foot. But it was very relaxing and I also got to swim on my back for awhile, until my legs started to burn. I almost wish we had more days right here. This was on Labadee, Haiti. Hard to believe the devastation that was on the other side of the island from the January earthquake compared to the beautiful beaches we enjoyed over here. It wasn't as crowded as it looks and we had a nice cabana too which I stayed under most of the day.