I wondered about all the wild animals, they really are wild and there is no additional protection from them. Bob said that is why he was always walking with a staff, to have a little protection from snakes at least. Didn't think it would help against a gorilla though. He said when his wife made it on for the "loved ones" show, he sent home with her all the tree mail he had collected.
Another story he told is when someone is voted off, they are immediately met by a psychologist to make sure they can adapt back into real life. Bob is from Maine and he has a cabin on an island. When asked if he can re adapt from gathering wood, tending fire etc he said he doubted it because as soon as he got home he was going to gather wood and cook some pancakes over an outdoor fire and then take a crap in the woods.
He and his wife have been staying here this week and he said don't hesitate to stop and ask him a question or take a picture.