Here's the cross section of the kitchen. Isn't it beautiful?! Our daughter Karen designed the house and we couldn't be more happy. The morning sun will stream in through the french doors. That is a hugh island in the center sized just for me. (the posts in the center will be removed)
After 10 long hours of work - between the crane operator, trailer drivers, escorts, contractors, QC guys, marketing guy taking a video and a host of others who stopped by, we had a yard full. They had a hard working crew there, never even took a lunch break. So end of the first day it was all assembled and then covered with tarps. (how lucky we were to have beautiful weather after the past 6 weeks of rain!)
Here we are the end of day 2. What a difference!! The roof is almost complete. I still haven't been inside though. Although they can build a ramp, there are all kinds of materials on the floor inside. Tomorrow for sure! This is the backside, I have to say, this is my first time viewing the back, I didn't know Doug had taken this picture. It's beautiful and brought a tear to my eye.
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