Monday was nice and we went for a walk to find the second clubhouse. After a couple wrong turns we saw it and as I peered into the windows to see what was going on someone invited me in to play Mah Jongg. I said I didn't know how but they said it was beginner and not to worry, just try it. So Doug left me behind and I had a great time learning a
new game. I even won one! So I'll be going back this week to play again.
Tues I had to get some blood work done and afterwards we headed to the shore. The actual beaches here seem to be mostly little islands. we went to Delnor Wiggins State Beach. They had boardwalks to the sand but it was soft sand so we couldn't go any further. Which was fine because it was like a sandstorm. Doug said it felt like his legs were getting sandblasted! But the sun felt great. We didn't stay long because I forgot my hat and sunscreen.
This is the entrance to the park. I was so excited to see so many flowers when we first got here.
Weds I attended a breakfast by the womans bible study. they had a singer - Lindsey Graham. She had a wonderful voice and it was very nice. We figured there were about 250 women there. I continue to meet so many wonderful people.
In the afternoon we did some errands and headed home for me to rest.
Thursday we exercised in the fitness room then went to the library to print something I needed. I've never used such a hugh library but at least we got it done, Wish I'd brought my own printer afterall. At Sun n Fun they had a computer room where you could print anything you wanted.
In the afternoon we were able to watch the Daytona races. Nice to be home in the afternoon!
Doug has been fishing up a storm. He keeps catching these blue gill. They say its a good eating fish but he's going to have to get quite a few to make a meal. He loves that he can throw out the line right behind the motorhome, come back in and then check it again later. Of course this method results in a lot of lost bobs but he has gotten several, including a few small bass that he throws back in.
At last he got lucky!!! He was holding out for the big one! LOL Actually this was at the Shell Factory in Fort Meyers. I went there 30 years ago and it was nothing like I remembered (nothing is), much more touristy stuff. We did have lunch there though, Doug had a Grouper Ruben. Quite good. I almost always order fish when we go out so this time I just had a salad.
Time for me to quit because I keep deleting my pictures by accident and it's getting tedious. We were trying to watch the race and would you believe that all the network channels are experiencing technical difficulty!!!!
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