Thursday, March 1, 2012

So much to do, so little time!

We actually made it over to Daytona for Speedweeks this year. We went to the Duel qualifying races. It was a long day with a 3 hour drive each way but we were glad to go. We were getting low on exhaust fumes in our systems after missing Loudon last summer. The wheelchair accessible seating is front row so the view isn't too great. If we go again we'll splurge for higher seating.
Here is my buddy Mark Martin (yes still driving) at his 55 pit stop. It was coincidentally right across from where we sat.

This is a southern lobster. Doesn't look anything like ours!
See the one on the left hanging upside down by the tail?There are 4 or 5 in this pic.
Last week we went to the Mote Aquarium in Sarasota. It was small but very enjoyable. I liked watching the seahorses and jelly fish.

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