Sunday, June 21, 2009

This week I got some more independence. We got an electric scooter. It's a 3-wheeler with big tires so it will go over rough ground, grass, dirt, pretty much where ever I want to go. Doug took this picture after I had picked some flowers that had been broken by the heavy rains. (I love the basket in front). I can lean way over to weed too. If my arms were only 1" longer I'd have it made. The scooter also disassembles so we can take it with us in the motorhome for me to use at campgrounds, it may even fit in the car so I can take it shopping!! Whoo hooo!!!
You may notice the green grass behind me. This is the first grass he planted between the garages. It looks great here but is very sporadic up close, it will be a bit longer before it fills in enough to mow but in the meantime it looks a whole lot better then dirt.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

June 11

So a few days later, when we got another break in the rain we hired a gal to do the planting. Man could she work! She dug up some of my existing plants that we had saved and planted the entire 60" of garden in front of the house in one afternoon. A lot of green right now but there will be more color soon and in the meantime I'll plant some annuals for immediate color - if it ever stops raining

Once that was done Doug was finally able to start seeding the front now that the planting is done. He has put so much work into rototilling, raking, fertilizing and then seeding and raking again.

Front landscaping

Ok, I'm back again, this was June 5, we had one morning without rain and 3 guys came and planted this "island" in our front lawn. (I mean what will become our front lawn.) Doug thinks it's stupid but I like it. I always wanted a crabapple (on the left) a fir in the middle (a christmas tree) and an amur maple on the right. I really like the shape of this one. It should look nice as it grows. The shrubs will flower eventually.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Next step was the front walk way. We chose a cement walk that is stamped and colored to look like stone. First he had to add a colored powder on it and here are the stamps being laid out. The final steps included a seal that also makes it non skid. So hopefully no accidents.
We think it came out great. The first time I tried it I felt like on a carnival ride. It was bumpy but also banked a little to the right then to the left and I gathered speed at the end. We'll have to make sure there are no cars parked at the end of the walk. You can see in the middle picture that the cement goes right up to the deck so I have a straight shot out the door.