Sunday, January 6, 2013

The day after Christmas we went to view the light show at Marie Selby botanical gardens. It wasn't too crowded at this time so we had a leisurely stroll through the gardens with lights and some music.
This tree was fun, it looked like melting icicles all over it.
I was able to catch a couple in the camera.

Even Santa takes a fishing break down here. It says "Attention Elves, take a break", Santa

We found one other place that has lights too but they weren't open after Christmas. Maybe next year we will check it out.

Last weeks post

 Imagine a beautiful warm sunny day and you are so thankful to score a parking place under a huge shady oak tree. You take a walk, maybe fish awhile and

This is what you come back to!

No, thankfully it's not my car but I'll bet there was a very unhappy fisherman at the end of the day. There
must have been 15 pelicans perched on the top of the tree. This isn't so bad, we've seen some that are much worse.