Monday, August 25, 2014

4 Wheelin'

So Doug got this Ranger side-by-side 4 wheeler three years ago. We've been saying I should go riding with him but we just never got around to it till last week. We accomplished it by me transferring to my power chair which has the capability of rising 10" and from there it was a level transfer to the Ranger.

I was seat belted in and away we went. Had to stop in the mud hole to take this picture. We didn't go too far because there were some trees down across the trail from the previous weeks storm. Doug moved a couple but the last one will need a chain saw to remove it. Still had fun and I got to see the field where we have some potatoes and onions planted, dug a few for supper while we were there. Felt good to be in the woods with a change in scenery.

Potatoes, onions and a couple of tomatoes